Are you about to enter the University of Life Sciences, but don't know what exactly lies ahead and feel both excited and scared? Don't be scared and come and get to know your classmates, the other foxes and the campus!
FOXFEST will be waiting for you, the first day of which will be an orientation on the campus, which will help you to get to know your course mates as well as the clubs and societies active at the university. After the orientation, you can make memories and get to know your fellow students at the fox party, where all EEC students are welcome!
On the second day of FOXFEST, you'll get an overview of your discipline, your institute and other important things a first-year student should know, so even if the party goes long the day before, don't sleep in. As well as getting to know the university, in the afternoon you can also explore the city of Tartu on a city tour, followed by an afterparty.
Friedrich Reinhold Kreutzwaldi 3, 51006, Tartu
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